Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you suffer from "Sporadic Blogging Disorder"?

I have discovered that I have succumbed to a common writer’s ailment: Sporadic Blogging Disorder. Which I shall hereby refer to as “SBD”. From what I have observed, this syndrome strikes authors without regard to race, gender, religion or genre. It can attack at any point during a writing career, whether published or pre-published.

Authors attempting to write while holding down full time jobs outside of the home, in the process of rearing small children or training husbands seem to be especially susceptible to this problem. It appears to be directly related to a warping in the time space continuum and the fact that there are never enough hours in the day.

There is no known cure for this disorder but support and sympathy for this syndrome has been reported among groups of writers. It seems everyone has been there.