Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you suffer from "Sporadic Blogging Disorder"?

I have discovered that I have succumbed to a common writer’s ailment: Sporadic Blogging Disorder. Which I shall hereby refer to as “SBD”. From what I have observed, this syndrome strikes authors without regard to race, gender, religion or genre. It can attack at any point during a writing career, whether published or pre-published.

Authors attempting to write while holding down full time jobs outside of the home, in the process of rearing small children or training husbands seem to be especially susceptible to this problem. It appears to be directly related to a warping in the time space continuum and the fact that there are never enough hours in the day.

There is no known cure for this disorder but support and sympathy for this syndrome has been reported among groups of writers. It seems everyone has been there.


  1. We've just gotta support each other, Mary!


  2. Yes, but if we wait until we're inspired to blog rather than blogging by the calendar, then what we write is much more interesting!

  3. Thank you, Pat...but you do realize you are "enabling me" (big wink)!

  4. Finally, someone has admitted the problem Out Loud! Now we silent sufferers of SBD don't have to skulk around feeling worthless and misunderstood anymore. We can finally come out and say "Yes! I have SBD and I'm okay!" Is there a support group? A 12-step program. Or maybe 10, 12 seems to be so many. How about 5? Denise Golinowski

  5. Hi, Maeve! Oh, boy, do I have this disorder! In fact, I just updated my own blog, for the first time since last October, yesterday. And it was a bit of a cheat (or a total cheat, why not be honest?) as I simply copy and pasted the interview I did for 1st Turning Point in January, since the way the site works is that the author owns the copyright, not the site, so I can repost as I please. ;) Thank goodness. I have another artist interview coming out with them in February, so my personal blog MIGHT get two updates in less than two months, a total record. Whoohoo!


  6. Absolutely! And I have 2 blogs so I have double SBD. Niko looks just like my Tonkinese cats. Is he a Tonk?

  7. Hang in there, Chassily! We must fight the syndrome!

  8. Oh no, Gale! Not DSBD! How terrible... And I'm not sure about Niko's "True" heritage. We rescued his papa from a shelter and bred him to another "rescued" Siamese and Niko was our pick of the litter. He'll be twenty years old in May.

  9. You are soooo right on!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You mean I'm not alone? I feel so much better!!!

    Linda (whose blog for the last month has done nothing more than redirect readers to other blogs on the book tour she's doing that has wrung every last bit of blog creativity from her...maybe for years to come!)

  12. LOL Maeve, sad but distressingly true. I have publicly committed to writing one entry a day on my blog. I am on day 2 and going strong so ..., every step counts.

    Nice to know I am not alone in my struggle!

  13. Boy, did you hit the nail on the head! That's EXACTLY what I have too. And my posts are so...well...ho hum! Is there a HHSBD????

  14. I am dying laughing. Yes, I am a serious sufferer of Sporadic Blogging Disorder -- nearly a year between entries at one point. I suffer from HHSBD as well. However, all I can hear is my students' definition of an SBD. I don't think I will stand up and announce that I am afflicted by this no matter how freeing it would be. ;-D Thanks for making my day. Glad to know I am not alone.

  15. Maeve, First, I love, love, love the dashboard of your blog. Very clever of you--it's so lovely I'd look at it even if you hadn't written a blog. You made me want to redo my blog's appearance. Since I'm the world's best procrastinator, I probably won't change the blog.

    Second, I love your sense of humor. Now I'll have to read your books to see if that shows up in your novels.

    Lastly, wham! You really hit my blogging on the head. In fact, I even took the blog off my website for a while because I ran out of time and ideas. Mostly time. Now I'm blogging again, reluctantly. I try to be disciplined, but I'd rather write on my WIP than talk about it or other subjects on my blog.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Caroline Clemmons

  16. I've got it! And proud of it! I also have pms, aaa, ped and mss. So there!

  17. Well, it looks as if I am not the only one who suffers from SBD. I even had to force myself out of the Nation of Procrasti in order to comment on this two days late. Sorry.

    Dennis Clarkston
    AKA Clark Stone

  18. Finally! There's a name for my disorder!! I have it bad. Job, husband, kids, writing deadlines, review site least now I know what to call this strange disease!
