Saturday, April 2, 2011

Warm Weather Wars

The exploding blossoms of the crabapple trees lace the warm spring breeze with a soft floral sweetness. Butterflies can't resist the delicious temptation waiting at the center of the flowers.

But don't let this soothing, birdsong-filled scenery fool you.  Don't let the tinkling sound of the wind-chimes lull you into a relaxed complacency. With Spring, with the first greening of the leaves, the warm weather wars begin.

Jasper knows it's time to track those irritating varmints.  He's watched them from his perch on the back of the couch through the winter-frosted window.  They're the ones who've hidden in the shed all winter long, teasing him when they skittered into unreachable corners behind the barrels and tools. The wood flooring reaks of their furry little bodies. He snuffled their tracks until he shook with the cold, grumbling with frustration when finally forced to abandon the chase and return to the warmth of the house.  He knew the enemy lurked in the shadows, snickering as he stomped out the door.

They've moved to the woodpile, tempted by the birdseed and corn scattered for all to enjoy.  He's forced one to dart into a rotted log of the wood.

The evil beast took refuge atop the woodpile and chittered victory from his safe perch among the logs. But Jasper is a seasoned warrior and didn't give up without scoring a final hit in this battle.  While keeping his gaze fixed on the squirrel, he sauntered over to the low-slung watering trough, hiked his leg and "spiked" the enemies drinking water. Let the warm weather games begin!


  1. Good luck, Jasper. I hope you can chase those pesky squirrels off the property. We live in the El Dorado forest in the Sierra Mountains in California. My husband has Jasper's job at our house and he hunts them down all year long. They have eaten holes in the ceiling of our upstairs bathroom and it took months to get them out of the interior parts of our house. If Jasper needs a holiday, he can come for a visit to give hubby a helping paw, bark or however he wants to tackle the problem.

  2. LOL! I'll pass along the invite, Paisley. Jasper hates those squirrels and this is just the beginning of a summer-long battle.

  3. Wow,that's one way to spike a drink! LOL.

  4. Hahaha! I thought so too, Shawn. ;-)

  5. Never having seen a squirrel in real life, I think they're so cute! Mind you, I think mice are cute too and feel really sad if I have to trap one.

    Jasper is MUCH more gorgeous though and I'm sure will prevail : )

    Beautiful photos by the way. Sadly, we're saying goodbye to our glorious weather as we head towards Winter. Good writing weather though. Always a silver lining : )

  6. Hi LaVerne! I enjoy watching the squirrels too but they pester the bejeebers out of poor Jasper. He asked that I tell you, he'd be MORE than happy to ship a squirrel to you. I told him a squirrel probably wouldn't survive the ride and he just gave me a wicked grin. He can be such an evil little dog sometimes.

    You're so right about the winter months being much better for writing. *sigh* My muse tends to be elusive when the weather is nice.

  7. Maeve, the trees are beautiful. I know what you mean about the little beasties. Our old dog used to chase them up the tree. I swore they laughed while she circled below. They plot I tell you!

  8. You can definitely tell the squirrels are laughing!

  9. LOL - Loved this - my little poodle is in the same boat as Jasper - got to keep those critters out of our back yard. Most of them are as big as she is!
